Resort Rules & Regulations

ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE: Check-ins start at 2:00 PM. Check-out is 11:00 AM. Late check-ins are permitted, please contact the Park for instructions. You do not need to stop at the office for check-ins or check-outs.
SPEED: The speed limit is 10km/hour throughout the park. CHILDREN ARE PLAYING THROUGHOUT THE PARK – GO SLOW!
CHILDREN: Children under 12 MUST be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.
QUIET TIME: 11:00 PM until 8:00 AM daily. At all times, noise levels must be such that they will not disturb the comfort or quiet enjoyment of any other Guest of the Park.
CAMPING ETIQUETTE: No illegal, illicit or offensive activities permitted. Smoking of legal substances should not interfere with other guests’ enjoyment of the Park. There is a no-tolerance policy for violent or abusive behaviour or disorderly conduct and are grounds for eviction from the Park.
GENERATORS: Not permitted. Except at the discretion of the management.
PETS: Please ensure they are on a leash at all times. Noisy or aggressive pets may not be allowed to remain in the park. You must pick up after your pets. Pets are not allowed at the pool, bathroom, or mini-putt and they are not to be left unattended anywhere.
POOL: There is no lifeguard on duty. Pool and Playground opens at 9 am and closes at dusk. Children under 12 must have adult supervision at ALL times. NO FOOD or DRINK is allowed in the pool area. Horseplay, running, diving and rough play are not permitted.
RESTROOMS & SHOWERS: Restrooms are open 24/7. Please tidy up after yourself in the shower and toilets (remember to hold down the flusher). Limit your shower time to under 5 minutes to allow hot water for others. Guests under the age of 12 must have adult supervision.
SEPTIC: Please DO NOT FLUSH anything down the toilets (including the toilets in your RV) except TOILET PAPER. We are on a septic system and it will block and back up!! Do not put grease/cooking oil down your drains either as this will block the system. Please put grease in a container and put in the garbage bins.
FIRE PITS: You must ensure that your fires are out before you retire for the night. We respectfully request that you NOT bring your own firewood (some wood create more sparks and increases fire risk). Guests must adhere to all local fire bans and restrictions.
FIREWORKS & FIREARMS: Fireworks and firearms are strictly prohibited.
GARBAGE / RETURNABLES: Please dispose of your refuse in the bins on site and please separate your returnable bottles/cans and place in appropriate bins. Campers are asked to make sure that their site is kept tidy and clear of garbage. Please do not throw cigarette butts or sunflower seeds on the ground.
Please respect your neighbours and refrain from walking through their site.
Please park your vehicles in a way that doesn’t block the road.
Mini-Putt, horseshoes, badminton etc. are free, please return items to the office when finished.
LOST & FOUND: Please report any losses at the office. We have a lost and found box at the office.
SECURITY AND REFUNDS: The park staff have the authority to take any necessary action to ensure your safety, and of those around you. Anyone who is in breach of these regulations will be asked to leave the park and NO REFUND will be given.
Please report any problems to the office. We are here to assist.
Thank you, your cooperation is greatly appreciated. We hope you enjoy your stay and will come again.